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Kako brati Flisarjeve zadnje tri romane?
How To Read Flisar's Three Latest Novels?

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Prispevek obravnava zadnje tri romane Evalda Flisarja. Pokaze, da so z vsebinskimi ogrodji --- potovanji --- logicni nasledniki njegovih potopisov. Dokazuje, zakaj bi jih lahko poimenovali tudi kot Flisarjeva »trilogija«, ceprav to dobesedno niso. Na koncu obravnava vprasanje, ali kljub sorodnostim dela se ali znova lahko ostanejo zanimiva za bralce, in zakljuci z namigom (ki sele vabi k razmisljanju), ali morda njegovo vpletanje azijskih filozofij in ved (modrostnih vescin) le ne zavaja kakega duhovno izpraznjenega in resitve zeljnega Zahodnjaka.


 - English synopsis

The article analyses Evald Fliser's three latest novels. In their thematic frameworks --- travels --- they are shown to be a logical continuation of his travelogues. Although strictly speaking they are not a trilogy, it is argued that they might be regarded as one. The final part of the article explores whether the texts are or remain interesting for readers despite their similarities, implying (or inviting further consideration of the possibility) that the author's introduction of Oriental philosophies and wisdoms might mislead a spiritually empty, salvation seeking Western individual.


 - English summary

Flisar's three latest novels share enough characteristics to be frequently referred to as a trilogy. Their themes are anchored in the same fields, viz. existential, gnostic, and occasionally social (the latter developing from the former two). Ideational constants supporting this thematic framework are e.g. Don't search but find; You're looking for what you already are; You are what you think; The problem is not where you see it but where you are observing it from; Life is play, dancing ... Suggestions that any of the three works is a travelogue are rejected; on the other hand, none of them can be assigned to a single genre. The main character in all three texts is an outsider, an Ahasuerus, a searcher. His orientation is spiritual, he is beseeching his fellow travellers to show him a way to relate (again) to his own soul. He explores his inner self at autochthonous places of origin of various philosophies and cultures. The central story develops through dialogues between the main character and his fellow traveller. While fictitious, these dialogues purport to be reconstruction of specific experiences. In all three texts, the narrator substantiates the course of his thoughts with quotes from, summaries of, or references to various sources.


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