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Vlado Nartnik

Navezovanje rim v Tržiških oktavah Toneta Pretnarja
The Linking of Rhymes in the Octaves About TrŽiČ by Tone Pretnar

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis


 - English synopsis

In the photomonograph V sotočju Bistrice in Mošenika are published one hundred Pretnar's octaves in which the author intertwined the expressive veil of his octaves whith the texts that had to correspond whith the captions under individual photographs.


 - English summary

The octaves about Tržič by Tone Pretnar are the main constituent element of the textual part of the photomonograph V sotočju Bistrice in Mošenika. They were produced probably in such a way that the trilingual captions to the photos on the left were already the titles of the octaves on the right. In favour of this testify especially the octave rhymes, since their words are often also the words used in the captions under the octaves. Since the linking of rhymes with the captions comprises forty-five octaves, it thus represents an important aspect of the search for the ways of their production. This linking procedure seems to be similar to the hybridization of the central rhyme word with acrostic in Tone's graphomania, significantly added to his hundred octaves. Acrostics generally replaced the titles of Tone's graphomanias and in this sense already signified a transition from the usual titles to the captions of Tone's octaves.


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