Kodni sistem
Slovenska književnost
Uredništvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Ludvik Karničar

Koroška narečja kot most do slovenskega knjižnega jezika
Dialects from the Koroška Regions as a Bridge to Literary Language

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Narečja, ki predstavljajo enega od podsistemov jezika in ki na popolnoma enakovreden način izražajo jezikovni svet posameznika v njegovi najmanjši regionalni enoti in mu omogočajo sporazumevanje z najbližjo okolico, bi morali načrtno gojiti. Ker se med seboj razlikujejo bolj po zvočni in leksikalni podobi kot po svoji globinski strukturi, bi v osnovni šoli lahko predstavljala nekakšen naraven prehod h knjižnemu jeziku in pisani besedi.


 - English synopsis

Dialects, which represent one of the sub-systems of the language and which in a totally equivalent way express the linguistic word of the individual in his smallest regional unit and enable him communication with the closest environment, should be systematically cultivated. Since they differ from each other in their vocal and lexical image more than in their deep structure, they could in elementary school represent some kind of natural transition towards literary language and written word.


 - English summary

Dialects should be systematically cultivated, for they as one of the sub-systems of the language in an equal way express the linguistic world of the individual in his smallest regional or local unit. They enable him faultless communication at home and in its closest vicinity. Unfortunately they were neglected in the past and considered as inferior. Protestant writers were an exception, for they had a respectful attitude towards the Slovene dialects and they especially tried to be understood by as many people as possible.

For the dialects from the Koroška region it is known that they more than in their deep structure differ from each other in their vocal and lexical image; from literary language, however, they differ no more than the other marginal Slovene dialects. That is why the dialects in elementary school can be some kind of natural transition towards litarary language and written word.


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