Kodni sistem
Slovenska knjizevnost
Urednistvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Martina Orozen

Janez Vajkard Valvasor o slovenskem jeziku
Janez Vajkard Valvasor About the Slovene Language

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Natancnejse branje Valvasorja, ki je sam verjetno govoril jezik tedanje izobrazene Ljubljane, nam razkriva, da je moral slovenscino zelo dobro poznati in da je dobro prepoznaval in opredeljeval tudi posamezne pokrajinske narecne tipe, pri cemer je kot locevalni znak uposteval tudi razlike med nosami in obicaji, torej kot bi rekli danes semioticne kriterije. Pri tem pa je kot nejezikoslovec prepoznal tudi hrvaske (v Beli krajini) in dalmatinske (v Istri) govore in jih locil od srediscne kranjscine.


 - English synopsis

A close reading of Valvasor, who at that time probably spoke the language of the then educated Ljubljana society, reveals that he must have had a very good knowledge of Slovene and that he was able to identify and define individual regional dialectal types. In doing so he took into account also the differences between various costumes and customs, today we would say semiotic criteria. He as a non-linguistic also identified Croatian (in Bela krajina) and Dalmatia (in Istria) speeches and set them apart from the central Carniolan ('kranjscina').


 - English summary

Summing up we could point out two major characteristics. In his confrontation with the central Carniolan ('kranjscina') Valvasor was undoubtedly able to identify also other regional dialectal types of the Slovene language. His observations of the languages and dialects in Kranjska are theoretically interesting, because he directly from the standpoint of the contemporary culturological semiotics (language, costume, customs, habits) discusses the questions of bi- or even trilinguism in cohabitation with a number of locally formed dialects of the 'Carniolan Slovene' in the space of a single country. This is all the more precious, because he came to these conclusions as a non-linguist, on the basis of secondary classifying criteria.


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