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Slovenska knjizevnost
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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Miran Stuhec

Sestava novele Blazena krivda Edvarda Kocbeka
The Structure of the Novelette »Blazena krivda« (»Blessed Guilt«) by Edvard Kocbek

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Z novelami iz Kocbekove zbirke Strah in pogum je v slovensko knjizevnost prodrla eksistencialisticna filozofija. Svoja estetska, filozofska in druga razmisljanja je avtor izrazil le posredno, odprl pa je problem moralnih in idejnih nasprotij, ki so njegove junake pehala v bivanjsko stisko. Vse to pa se odraza tudi v strukturi njegove pripovedi.


 - English synopsis

The novelettes from Kocbek's collection Strah in pogum (Fear and Courage) brought into Slovene literature Existential philosophy. The author expressed his aesthetic, philosophical and other thoughts only in an indirect way, but he nevertheless opened up the problem of moral and ideological contrasts that pushed his heroes into Existential anguish. All of this is reflected also in the structure of his narrative.


 - English summary

With the novelettes from Kocbek's collection Strah in pogum (Fear and Courage) Existential philosophy emerged in Slovene literature. The author not only expressed his aesthetic, philosophical and other ideas only indirectly, but he at the same time opened up the problem of moral and ideological conflicts, which pushed his heroes into an existential anguish. All of this is reflected also in the structure of his narrative.


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