Kodni sistem
Slovenska knjizevnost
Urednistvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


France Zagar

Branje kot skladenjski problem
Reading as a Syntactical Problem

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Proucevanje branja kot skladenjskega problema razkriva, da v slovenscini pogosto prihaja do spreminjanja rem v teme, da je torej clenjenje po aktualnosti v slovenscini izjemno pomembno in da pri razumevanju besedila prihaja do interference, t. j. do bralcevega dopolnjevanja besedila z informacijami, ki si jih je pridobil sam. Pri obnavljanju besedila in oblikovanju shem, ki nam pomagajo pri spominskem povzemanju besedila, pa lahko ugotovimo, da se v zelo kratkih besedah (zaimkih, veznikih, clenkih, morfemih idr.) skriva zelo veliko pomembnih skladenjskih informacij.


 - English synopsis

The study of reading as a syntactical problem reveals the fact that in Slovene there is a frequent Thema-Rhema changing, that the division according to actuality is extremely important in Slovene and that in understanding a text there is an interference, i. e. a reader's complementation of the text with the information he himself has acquired. In renewing the text and the formation of schemes, which help us with the recollection summary of the text, we discover that with very short words (pronouns, conjuncitons, articles, morphemes, etc) very many important syntactic pieces of information can be found.


 - English summary

The study of reading as a syntactical problem reveals the fact that in Slovene there is a frequent Thema-Rhema changing, that the division according to actuality is extremely important in Slovene and that in understanding a text there is an interference, i. e. a reader's complementation of the text with the information he himself has acquired. In renewing the text and the formation of schemes, which help us with the recollection summary of the text, we discover that with very short words (pronouns, conjuncitons, articles, morphemes, etc) very many important syntactic pieces of information can be found.


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