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Slovenska knjizevnost
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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
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Alenka Koron

Metodoloski vidiki Paternujevih pripovednoproznih raziskav
Methodological Aspects of Paternu's Studies of Narrative Fiction

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Svoje literarnozgodovinske studije o slovenski pripovedni prozi je avtor zbral v treh knjigah --- Slovenska proza do moderne --- 1957, Pogledi na slovensko knjizevnost II --- 1974 in Razpotja slovenske proze --- 1993. V njih se je oddaljil od historicnega empirizma, literarnozgodovinsko razlago pa povezal z interpretacijo del.


 - English synopsis

The author gathered his studies of Slovene narrative fiction in three books --- Slovenske proza do moderne (1957), Pogledi na slovensko knjizevnost II (1974) and Razpotja slovenske proze (1993). In them he moved away form historical empirism and a literary-historical explanation linked with the interpretation of individual works.


 - English summary

Boris Paternu in his literary-historical studies of Slovene narrative fiction, collected in three books (Slovenska proza do moderne, 1957; Pogledi na slovensko knjizevnost II, 1974, and Razpotja slovenske proze, 1993), moves away from historical empirism. He links a methodologically renewed literary-historical explanation, partly influenced by formally-stylistic, structuralism and semiotics, with the interpretation of literary works. In the gradual growth of interpretative efforts the role of narrative analysis is becoming increasingly important. The article discusses in some detail especially the author's narrative-analytical procedures and his narrative-theoretical system of instruments. It comes to the conclusion that the author's acceptance of formalist and structuralist impetuses and 'imanentistic' narrative-theoretical categories is merely selective, for the classification according to ideas and themes predominates, intertwined with the classification of abstract layers of an individual work relating to its content and structure.


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