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Urednistvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Zinka Zorko

Dialektizmi v Prezihovi zbirki Samorastniki
Dialectisms in Prezih's Collection Samorastniki

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Ena najopaznejsih znacilnosti Prezihovih Samorastnikov so dialektizmi. Pisatelj je v svoje mojstrske in slikovite pripovedi vpletal posamezne narecne besede, izreke, ljudske modrosti in stalne besedne zveze, ki jih je poznal iz svojega kotuljskega govora. Z njimi je obogatil slovenjski knjizni jezik in razsiril meje nasega vedenja in videnja z novim, zivim ljudskim izrocilom.


 - English synopsis

One of the most evident characteristics of Prezih's Samorastniki are dialectisms. The writer incorporated into his masterful and picturesque narratives individual dialectal words, sayings, folk wisdoms and set phrases, which we know from his own dialect of Kotlje. With them he enriched the Slovene literary language and expanded the limits of our knowledge and scope with a new and living folk tradition.


 - English summary

In the study the usage of dialectal linguistic means in order to achieve greater expressiveness and local colour is discussed. Word dialectisms according to various parts of speech are written down, collected are also the most frequent suffixes of word-formation, especially the formation of the typical proper names pertaining to the Koroska region, and the dialectal usage of words in their metaphorical or replaced meaning is dealt with. Most dialectisms can be found in the description of Man and his life environment and in the set verbal word phrases. Dialectisms perform the role of local colour and are used pejoratively too. Interjections pertaining to immitation, mood and command colour the narrative vocally and emotionally and characterize the protagonists and objects. In direct quotations dialectal, almost vocal visual phrases appear. Very frequently we find the dialectal comparison in which Man is compared with an animal, plant or thing. The inanimate is personified; the most expressive is the personification of the water source --- the monster. The expressive image and stylistic peculiarities show Prezih as the master of a picturesque depiction of nature and Man's struggle with it. His usage of dialect on grammatical levels grew into a literary language. He was, however, able to preserve dialectical words and dialectal ways of expression.


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