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Simona Kranjc

Vplivi na ljubezensko tematiko in erotiko v Ingolicevih predvojnih romanih
Influences on the Themes of Love and Eroticism in Ingolic's Pre-war Novels

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

V svojih predvojnih romanih se je Anton Ingolic lotil tem, ki v slovenski knjizevnosti se niso bile literarno obdelane (lutkarji, vinicarji, splavarji). Dogajanje, ki je temeljilo na realnih dogodkih, je prepletel z ljubezensko tematiko in erotiko.


 - English synopsis

In his pre-war novels Anton Ingolic started to use themes that had previously not been dealt with in literature (onion-sellers, wine-producers, raftsmen). Plots based on real events were intertwined with the themes of love and eroticism


 - English summary

The article follows the making of the pre-war novels by Anton Ingolic (Lukarji 1936, Soseska 1939, Na splavih 1940, Matevz Visocnik 1941, and Zeja 1941). The method used by the writer can be described as a documentary-archival one. Plots in Ingolic's pre-war literary texts are therefore based on real events and are not sheer fiction. Ingolic introduced into Slovene literature the motives of the Haloze and the Dravsko polje region, and he became together with Prezihov Voranc, Misko Kranjec and Ciril Kosmac one of the characteristic writers of social-realist fiction.

Ingolic's contemporaries on the occasion of individual publications of his novels traced the influences of the modern Russian novel, of Zola and Reymont's Peasants. The article discusses the influences on the erotic and love themes in Ingolic's pre-war novels. Together with the influence of Reymont's Peasants and Arcibasev's Sanin there is visible also an affiliation with Zola's Earth in the motive of a love triangle.


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