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Marjan Strancar

Groteskno v Prezihovem Boju na poziravniku
The Grotesque in Prezih's Work Boj na poziravniku

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Prezih je svojo prvo crtico V tujini objavil ze l. 1909, prvo knjigo Povesti pa ze l. 1925. Novelo Boj na poziravniku je l. 1934 napisal na Dunaju, objavil pa l. 1935 v Sodobnosti. Resnicno in socialnokriticno kroniko koroskega bajtarskega rodu je prepletel in obogatil s simbolnimi in grotesknimi prvinami.


 - English synopsis

Prezih published his first scetch »V tujino« (»Abroad«) already in 1909 and his first book Povesti (Tales) in 1925. He wrote the short novel Boj na poziravniku in 1934 in Vienna and published it in 1935 in Sodobnost. He interlaced and enriched the realist and socially critical chronicle of a poor peasant family from the Koroska region with simbolic and grotesque elements.


 - English summary

The interpretation of the short novel Boj na poziravniku, which Prezih published in 1935 in the magazine Sodobnost, tries with a detailed analysis of themes, motives and consequence of events discover the basic narrative line as well as the stylistic and linguistic specificity and peculiarities of the discussed work, in detecting the grotesque elements in themes, motives and textual works, which emanate directly from the process of creation. Prezih's language, which is drastic in a popular folk manner, is the most powerful precisely in »grotesque« places.


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