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Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Albinca Lipovec in +Tone Pretnar

Skáclov sonet in stirivrsticnica v slovenskem prevodu
Scácel's Sonnet and Quatrain in Slovene Translation

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis


 - English synopsis

The set poetic forms such as are also the sonnet and quatrain are characteristic especially of the second Skácel's creative period, when he tried to go beyond 'the cup of non-memory' and cultivate his poetic expression with popular folk and artistic tradition. A similar density as in Czech literature the two forms also saw in Slovene literature.


 - English summary

From the poetic opus of Jan Skácel we selected for analysis only those texts which we have translated and which are structured as to the lines of verse and stanzas in such a way that every one of them-the sonnet with its sophistication, the quatrain with its simplicity-recall the rich Czech poetic expression in original and in translation from Romanticism onwards. The situation in the target literature is essentially the same, so that translations enter into related intertextual relationships and can be defined on the level of form and content.

The set poetic forms, among which the sonnet form and quatrain belong, are characteristic of Skácel's poetry especially in his second creative period: motivation for such a situation can be found in the transcendence of the time of 'non-memory' and the cultivation of a poetic expression with popular folk and artistic, especially Romantic tradition. The form integrated new findings, it continued to exist, because it became independent as expressional miniature (this holds true of the quatrain, which approaches the Chinese gnomic folk poetry and of some of the sonnets that calcate the set poetic form also in composition), or it disintegrated, sometimes even to become unrecognizable (this is true of the most radical Skácel's sonnets). In the target literature the two discussed forms have recently seen a similar destiny, so that the translator by exactly trying to convey the message and the form of the original produces texts that are not foreign to his literature, although they are different, because they introduce into the set form new individual and regional expressions, images, rhythms, knowledge and meanings.


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