Kodni sistem
Slovenska knjizevnost
Urednistvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Zlata Sundalic'

Empiricno (ne) da se razodeti
The Truth Can(not) be Empirically Revealed

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis


 - English synopsis

The basic materil of this article are texts that Tone Pretnar published in Obdobja as its sole permanent participant. In the mentioned texts two areas of literary science come to the fore: prosody and translation. These themes are dealth with in this article.


 - English summary

The article is divided into four smaller units which represent wholes in themselves. In the first part (Scientist and Graphoman) the relationship between the scientist and the poet is of essential importance, for both of them live at the same time in a single person --- Tone Pretnar. There is no accordance between the two poles. The poet contradicts the scientist and vice versa.

In the second part (Scientist --- Prosodist) the subject of discussion are those Pretnar's texts that deal with prosody. The mentioned texts (prosodical) are extremely useful for the formation of a diachronic image of verse in Slovene literature.

In the third part (Scientist --- Translator) Pretnar's translation work is discussed. Two tenets are expressed in connection with it: a translation is only a pseudo-original and it must take into consideration the form as well as the meaning.

In the concluding part the title is discussed again or rather the way of communication between the scientist and the poet. The poet claims: »The truth cannot be empirically revealed« while the scientist (prosodist and translator) maintains just the opposite.


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