Kodni sistem
Slovenska knjizevnost
Urednistvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Boza Krakar-Vogel

Razseznosti uciteljeve usposobljenosti za poucevanje knjizevnosti
The Dimensions of the Teacher's Qualification for Literature Teaching

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Ucitelj mora biti za uspesno poucevanje knjizevnosti dobro usposobljen na vec podrocjih --- literarnostrokovnem, splosno pedagoskem in knjizevnodidakticnem. Dobro mora biti torej razgledan po leposlovju in literarni vedi pa tudi po »pomoznih« vedah, razumeti mora pouk kot voden proces, razumeti pa mora tudi splosne in specificne cilje in metode pouka knjizevnosti.


 - English synopsis

The teacher must be for a successful literature teaching well qualified in several fields -- literary professional, generally pedagogical and literary-didactic. The teacher should therefore be knowledgeable in letters and litarary science as well as in the 'auxiliary' sciences, he/she should understand teaching as a channelled process and should be aware of the general and specific aims and methods in literature teaching.


 - English summary

The teacher must be for a successful literature teaching and the reflection of his/her activity qualified in several fields: the literary-professional, generally pedagogical and the literary-didactic one.

The literary professional qualification, which is acquired by studying literary professional and certain complementary university subjects (linguistics, philosophy, etc), offers the teacher the actual basis for teaching. It enables him/her a qualified reading of literary works (an acceptance based on experience, ratio and the appreciation of letters by applying the acquired knowledge), a systematic literaty-historical development of Slovene and other literatures, literary theory and methodology and the necessary information from 'auxiliary' sciences (historiy, linguistics, religions, etc).

The general pedagogical qualification should help the teacher understand teaching as a channelled process of the student's independent learning about a certain reality and the mastering of an adequate pedagogical communication.


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