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Slovenska knjizevnost
Urednistvo <-> bralci

Jezik in slovstvo
Jezik in slovstvo
Kazalo letnika


Olga Kunst-Gnamus

Performativni glagoli v opisni slovnici slovenskega jezika
Performative Verbs in the Descriptive Grammar of the Slovene Language

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Pri performativnih (ucinkovalnih) glagolih prihaja do razhajanja med obliko in pomenom ter njihovo vlogo v opisni slovnici slovenskega jezika, kar vse se preslikava tudi v sistem jezikovnih oblik.


 - English synopsis

With performative verbs (of effect) there emerges a divergence between form and meaning and their role in the descriptive grammar of the slovene language, all of which is reflected also in the system of language forms.


 - English summary

In the study the grammatical characteristics and the significance of explicit performative verbs are described (the first person, singular, active voice, indicative mood, the present time) as well as pragmatic information which is communicated by them (subjectivity, co-intervention of the author, speaker and the doer of the performative act, the time of utterance and the performance of the act, selfreferentiality, authority of the speaker, double intentionality and asymetricity). The split between form and meaning causes difficulties in the classification of certain performative verbs into the system of language forms.


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