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Jezik in slovstvo
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Marko Juvan

Preseganje romanticne dediscine? Kljucno besedilo narodne literature v modernizmu in postmodernizmu
Beyond the Romantic Heritage? The Key Text of the National Literature in Modernism and Postmodernism

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Presernov Krst pri Savici je kot eno kljucnih besedil slovenske literature dozivel kanonizacijo, antomazacijo in trajnost ter sprozil naknadne besedilne obravnave in nastanek vecjega stevila literarnih del; med drugimi so se tematike Krsta lotili tudi pisci postmodernisticne metafikcije A. Blatnik, B. Gradisnik in D. Rupel.


 - English synopsis

Presern's Krst pri Savici (Baptism at the Savica) has as one of the key texts of Slovene literature seen canonization, antomazation and durability, and triggered off subsequent textual analyses and the emergence of a greater number of literary works; among others the themes of Krst were dealt with by the writers of postmodern meta-fiction Andrej Blatnik, Branko Gradisnik and Dimitrij Rupel.


 - English summary

A literary-historical narrative about the relationship of modernism and postmodernism towards the key text of the national literature seem productive, relevant and interesting if organized in terms of contrasts: subjectivity --- the decentralization of subjectivity (according to G. Hoffmann, A. Hornun and R. Kunow) and the epistemological dominant --- the ontological dominant of the text (according to B. McHale). In the intertextual revisions of Krst pri Savici subjectivity is at first, namely in the period of the Modern, full of vitalist opposition to the tradition and canonized images --- the individualized ego tries to rise above the symbolization of the collective, the social and the historical in Preseren's pre-text (Oton Zupancic). This rebellious stance from the early, anticipatory phase of modernism (I. Howe described it as the inflation of ego) changed in the Existentialist modernism of the sixties. That is when the subject begins to open epistemological questions: how to learn about the ,real', with canon and ideology untainted truth about Preseren's ,myth', how to intertextually depict it and attune it to the contemporary, modern world (Veno Taufer, Dominik Smole). In this context modernism problematizes its earlier subjectivism, it exposes it to the critical (self)destruction and depicts it as a metaphysical sturcture (Smole). Such a state represents the starting-point of postmodernist intertextual links which are meta-fictional: they in the eighties thematize and explicate aporeticality, the indeterminate nature of Preseren's text. They achieve this by pointing to the arbitrariness of the cognitive (interpretative) constructions about its meaning --- by underlining the epistemological dominant they discard the bases of all the intertextual variations of Krst and references to it until then. They also open up the ontological dominant, for they point to the fact that there is not only one single world but rather that there are several truths, that we are dealing with plurality, the pervasiveness of the possible textual and historical worlds (Andrej Blatnik, Branko Gradisnik, Dimitrij Rupel).


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