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Roman Rozina

Svetinova Tibetanska knjiga mrtvih in postmoderna
Svetina's Tibetan Book of the Dead and the Postmodern

Slovenski sinopsis
 - English synopsis
 - English summary

 - Slovenski sinopsis

Svetinova knjiga mrtvih je dramska prepesnitev istoimenskega tibetanskega besedila, ki je pravzaprav dialog med lamo in umrlim. Svetinova Tibetanska knjiga mrtvih je vpeta v postmoderno paradigmo, ki je se vedno povezana tudi z moderno dobo, vendar pa njena duhovno-zgodovinska osnova ni postmodernisticna; v njej se posteksistencializem spaja z neosimbolizmom.


 - English synopsis

Svetina's book of the dead is a dramatic reinterpretation of the Tibetan text with the same title, which is in fact a dialogue between a lama and a dead person. His Tibetan Book of the Dead is set within the postmodern paradigm, which is still connected with the modern age, although its spiritual-historical basis is not postmodernist: in it postexistentialism merges with neo-symbolism.


 - English summary

The article deals with Tibetan Book of the Dead in the light of the postmodern age, from which the attempt of ts literary-critical description is derived.

After a short survey of Svetina's literature we point to the fact that Bardo Thödol is the prototext of his dramatic reinterpretation, which linked with the New Age represents the postmodern paradigm. After the problematization of the periodization of Svetina's literary works until the present moment, classified mostly within postmodernism, Tibetan Book of Dead is on the basis of the spiritual-historical method placed into the connection between postexistentialism and neosymbolism. This is a proof of the fact that this drama preserves the continuity with the previous Svetina's literature, which articulated the existential problems together with neodecadent elements.


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