
Številka 2/2003 ~ Issue 2/2003

Andreja Žele: Slovarska obravnava povedkovnika. Jezik in slovstvo. 2/2003. 3–15.
Prispevek predstavlja pomensko- in strukturnoskladenjsko vlogo povedkovega dopolnila, ki je kategorialno označen kot povedkovnik (predikativ) in ostaja zgolj na stavčnočlenski ravni kot pomenska determinanta povedka – priložnostna pomenskoskladenjska raba pa ne more biti besednovrstno odločilna. Problemskost natančnejše in jasnejše slovnične opredelitve povedkovih dopolnil oz. povedkovnikov se kaže predvsem s slovarskega vidika, ker pomensko-oblikovna (priložnostnospremenljiva) nestalnost posledično onemogoča besednovrstno osamosvojitev in opredelitev. Z zgledi je komentirana označitev povedkovnika oz. povedkovodoločilne rabe v novem Slovenskem pravopisu (I Pravila, II Slovar, 2001 Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU), ki naj bi z normativno vlogo usmerjal rabo slovenščine in bil tako močno vpliven priročnik.
Andreja Žele: Dictionary treatment of the povedkovnik. Jezik in slovstvo. 2/2003. 3–15.
The paper presents the semantic and structural syntactic role of the predicator complement which, in terms of category, is labelled as the povedkovnik (the predicative) and remains on the sentence element level only as a semantic determiner of the predicator – occasional semantic and syntactic usage, however, cannot determine the part of speech. The problematic character of a more precise and clearer grammatical definition of the predicator complement or the povedkovnik is revealed above all through the perspective of the dictionary, since the semantic and morphological (occasionally variable) instability prevents it from becoming an independent and determined part of speech. Comments on the determination of the povedkovnik or the predicator complement use in the new Slovenski pravopis (I Pravila, II Slovar, 2001 Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU), which is supposed to have a normative role in directing the use of Slovene and is thus supposed to function as a very influential reference book, are supported with examples.

Nataša Pirih Svetina: Napaka v ogledalu procesa učenja tujega jezika. Jezik in slovstvo. 2/2003. 17–26.
V razpravi predstavljamo metodo analize napak kot enega od možnih pristopov pri analizi in interpretaciji jezikovne produkcije tistih, ki se učijo tujega jezika – v našem primeru in kot ilustriramo tudi z zgledi – slovenščino. Napako definiramo kot neuspel del jezika in kot obliko ali kombinacijo oblik, ki jih tvori učeči se posameznik. Gre za oblike, ki jih v enakem kontekstu in v enakih pogojih govorci prvega jezika ne bi tvorili. Na kratko predstavljamo korake v metodi analize napak: od zbiranja gradiva, prepoznavanja napak, njihovega opisa, klasifikacije do vrednotenja.
Nataša Pirih Svetina: The error in the mirror of the foreign language learning process. Jezik in slovstvo. 2/2003. 17–26.
The paper presents a method of error analysis as one of the possible approaches in analysing and interpreting the language production of learners of a foreign language, in this case and, as illustrated by examples, Slovene. The error is defined as a failed part of language and as a form or a combination of forms produced by the learner. These forms would not have been produced by a native speaker in the same context and the same sort of circumstances. Steps in error analysis are presented briefly: from data collection, error identification, error description, classification, to evaluation.

Branka Vičar: Pesnik in homilet Anton Šerf kot nosilec poznih razsvetljenskih tokov v vzhodnoštajerskem knjižnojezikovnem prostoru. Jezik in slovstvo. 2/2003. 27–36.
Prispevek umešča pesnika in homileta Antona Šerfa med nosilce poznih razsvetljenskih tokov v vzhodnoštajerskem knjižnojezikovnem prostoru v prvi polovici 19. stol. Predstavlja duhovne pobude in slovstvene zglede za nastanek njegovega slovstvenega dela ter odzive na njega v slovenski literarni zgodovini. Obravnava tematiko Šerfovih cerkvenih pridig in posvetnih pesmi in razčlenjuje pesniško obliko.
Branka Vičar: Poet and homiletics expert, Anton Šerf, as a leading representative of late Enlightenment currents in the language and literature of Eastern Styria. Jezik in slovstvo. 2/2003. 27–36.
The paper characterises the poet and homiletics expert, Anton Šerf, as one of the leading representatives of late Enlightenment currents in the language and literature of Eastern Styria in the first half of the 19th century. It presents the spiritual incentives for and literary examples of his literary work and the responses to him in Slovene literary history. It discusses Šerf's sermons and secular poetry and analyses the poetic form.

Anita Vodišek: Miran Štuhec, Subjekt v kratki prozi Andreja Blatnika. Jezik in slovstvo. 2/2003. 37–51.
Subjekt se v Blatnikovih zbirkah Šopki za Adama venijo, Biografije brezimenih, Menjave kož in Zakon želje razvija v smeri od razmišljajočega preko otopelega subjekta v zbirki Menjave kož do subjekta pogovarjanja v zadnji zbirki. Pričujoče besedilo umešča Blatnikov postmodernistični subjekt v postmoderno kulturo, ki jo zaznamuje hkraten obstoj večjega števila resnic. V zadnjem času se je sicer pojavilo več izrazov, ki označujejo postmodernistični subjekt, sam razvoj pojmovanja subjekta pa lahko spremljamo od antičnih grških mislecev naprej. Alternativna psihologija 20. stoletja je v pojmovanje postmodernega subjekta vnesla nove interpretacije. Meadov komentator hipnih dogodkov, Foucaultev avtorefleksivni subjekt, Derridajeva paranoidna konstrukcija in Rortyjev liberalni ironist – vse to je postmodernistični subjekt. Tako, vendar z nekaterimi zadržki, lahko imenujemo tudi Blatnikov subjekt, ki išče besedo, da bi izrazil resnico in se znašel v hitro minljivi, kaotični postmoderni dobi.
Anita Vodišek: Miran Štuhec, The subject in Andrej Blatnik's short prose. Jezik in slovstvo. 2/2003. 37–51.
In Blatnik's collections Šopki za Adama venijo (Bouquets for Adam are wilting), Biografije brezimenih (Biographies of those with no name), Menjave kož (Changing skins) and Zakon želje (The law of desire), the subject develops from the thinking subject, to the apathetic subject in Menjave kož (Changing skins), to the subject of talking in his last collection. The present paper places Blatnik's postmodern subject into postmodern culture, which is marked by the simultaneous existence of a greater number of truths. Lately, there have been several expressions marking the postmodern subject; the development of the concept of the subject itself can be traced from the Ancient Greek philosophers on. The alternative psychology of the 20th century introduced new interpretations of the concept of the subject. Mead's commentary of momentary events, Foucault's auto-reflexive subject, Derrida's paranoid construction and Rorty's liberal man of irony – they all constitute the postmodern subject. We can also use the same term, although with a few reservations, for Blatnik's subject, which is looking for the word to express the truth and trying to find his way in the fleeting, chaotic postmodern period.

Metka Kordigel: Mateja Šega, O književni osebi in horizontu pričakovanj v predoperativnem in operativnem obdobju otrokovega bralnega razvoja. Jezik in slovstvo. 2/2003. 53–72.
Pričujoči sestavek skuša predstaviti rezultate drugega dela raziskave otrokove recepcijske sposobnosti, povezane z njegovo miselno shemo pravljica, ki smo jo opravili na Oddelku za razredni pouk Pedagoške fakultete Univerze v Mariboru. V okviru kvalitativne analize rezultatov produktivnega ustvarjalnega postopka in analize rezultatov vodenega intervjuja smo preučevali otrokov horizont pričakovanj, povezan s pravljičnimi književnimi osebami, in tako posredno preverjali ustreznost v učnem načrtu za prvo in drugo triletje devetletke zastavljenih aproksimativnih literarnorecepcijskih ciljev, povezanih z zaznavanjem, razumevanjem in vrednotenjem književne osebe sploh (cilj 4.1.1./2:1,2,3) in pravljičnih književnih oseb posebej (cilj 4.1.1./4.2).
Metka Kordigel: Mateja Šega, The fictional character and the horizon of expectations in the pre- and post-operative period of the child's reading development. Jezik in slovstvo. 2/2003. 53–72.
The paper attempts to present the results of the second part of a research study of the child's reception abilities, linked to the child's mental schema of a fairy tale, which was carried out at the Department of Primary Education at the Faculty of Education, University of Maribor. Within a qualitative analysis of the results of a productive creative procedure and an analysis of the results of a guided interview, the horizon of the child's expectations, linked to fairy tale fictional characters, was studied. The suitability of the approximate goals regarding literary reception, linked to the perception, understanding and evaluation of fictional characters in general (goal 4.1.1./2:1,2,3), and fairy tale fictional characters in particular (goal 4.1.1./4.2), as specified in the curricula for the first and the second three-year cycles of the 9-year primary school was thus also indirectly checked.