
Številka 5/2008 ~ Issue 5/2008

Nataša Logar, Špela Vintar: Korpusni pristop k izdelavi terminoloških slovarjev: od besednih seznamov in konkordanc do samodejnega luščenja izrazja. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2008. 3–17.
Prispevek opisuje postopke izbora in obdelave gesel za namen gradnje terminološkega slovarja odnosov z javnostmi. V uvodnem delu je podana utemeljitev korpusnega pristopa h gradnji terminoloških slovarjev, saj korpus ponuja številne tehnološko in metodološko naprednejše možnosti vpogleda v inventar terminov na določenem področju. Osnova za izbor gesel so samodejno izdelani seznami terminoloških kandidatov, se pravi besed in besednih zvez, ki na podlagi statističnih obdelav in oblikoskladenjskih značilnosti izstopajo kot za stroko pomembne. Ročni pregled tako pridobljenih seznamov pokaže njihovo uporabnost, pa tudi nekatere probleme, povezane z razlikovanjem terminov od neterminov in terminov od terminoloških kolokacij.
Nataša Logar, Špela Vintar: Corpus-based Compilation of Terminological Dictionaries: from Word Lists and Concordances to Automatic Term Extraction . Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2008. 3–17.
The article describes the procedures and treatment of entries for the purposes of a PR terminological dictionary. In the introduction, corroboration is provided of the corpus-based approach to the compilation of terminological dictionaries. A corpus offers numerous technologically and methodologically advanced possibilities for an insight into the set of terms in a particular field. The selection of entries is based on automatically generated lists of field term candidates, i.e., words and collocations that, through statistical analyses and due to their morphosyntactic features, stand out as relevant to a particular field. Manual examination of lists of terms acquired in this way indicates their usefulness but at the same time reveals some problems related to distinguishing between proper terms and non-terms, or between terms and terminological collocations.

Polona Gantar: (Slovenska) leksika med leksikonom in slovnico. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2008. 19–35.
V prispevku obravnavamo področje, ki smo ga znotraj jezikoslovja označili kot »sivo polje« med leksikalno oz. pomensko in skladenjsko problematiko jezika. Pri tem izhajamo iz spoznanja, da leksikalnega vedenja ni mogoče ločiti od slovničnega in da so v tem smislu leksikalne enote v enaki meri obremenjene s pomenskim in skladenjskim potencialom jezika. Na teh izhodiščih ter z izdelavo besednih skic za slovenščino, ki delujejo znotraj sistema SketchEngine, predlagamo postopke za izrazno in pomensko prepoznavanje večbesednih leksikalnih enot v obsegu besedilnega okolja, ki je za to odločilno.
Polona Gantar: (Slovene) Lexis Between Lexicon and Grammar. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2008. 19–35.
The article deals with a field labelled in linguistics as a “grey area” between lexical or semantic and syntactic problem areas in language. Our conclusions are based on the recognition that it is impossible to separate lexical knowledge from grammatical knowledge, and that lexical units are, in this sense, equally loaded with the meaning and syntactic potential of language. Taking this as a point of departure, we propose procedures, by compiling Word Sketches for Slovene within the Word Sketch Engine, for the syntactic and semantic identification of multi-word lexical units within the boundaries of the relevant context.

Simon Krek: FrameNet in slovenščina. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2008. 37–54.
FrameNet je računalniški leksikografski projekt, pri katerem iz velikih računalniških korpusov besedil z ročnimi in avtomatskimi postopki izločamo informacije o povezanih pomenskih in skladenjskih lastnostih angleških besed. Prispevek povzema bistvene značilnosti projekta ter na konkretnih zgledih predstavlja, kakšen je videti prenos konceptov projekta FrameNet v slovensko jezikovno okolje.
Simon Krek: FrameNet and Slovene. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2008. 37–54.
FrameNet is a computational lexicographic project that enables the user to manually and automatically extract from large text corpuses information about the interdependent semantic and syntactic features of English words. The article summarizes the key characteristics of the project and shows, through concrete examples, the transposition of FrameNet’s concepts to the Slovene linguistic situation.

Matevž Rudolf: Emil Filipčič med ludizmom in dramo absurda. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2008. 55–67.
Članek se osredotoča na dve zgodnji drami Emila Filipčiča: Kegler 6 (upr. 1981) in Ujetniki svobode (upr. 1982). Raziskave v osemdesetih letih so Filipčičevo dramatiko uvrščale v kontekst ludistične literature, sodobna literarna teorija pa bolj kot izraz ludistična literatura uporablja pojem ludističnih elementov, ki jih v dramatiki obravnava kot eno izmed tehnik drame absurda. Na podlagi analize fragmentarnosti, dramskih oseb, jezika in komike Filipčičevih dram bomo poiskali elemente drame absurda in skušali ugotoviti, v čem je Filipčičeva dramatika podobna oziroma se razlikuje od uveljavljenih modelov drame absurda. Ob tem se izkaže, da se Filipčič vseskozi ukvarja z motivom parodiranja boga, ki ga avtor uporablja v vseh svojih dramah. Motiv prikaže s svojstveno tehniko, s katero na inovativen način prelamlja model o absolutnosti drame po Szondiju in s tem pravzaprav nadgradi tipičen model drame absurda.
Matevž Rudolf: Emil Filipčič Between Luddism and the Drama of the Absurd. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2008. 55–67.
The article focuses on two early plays by Emil Filipčič: Kegler 6 (staged 1981) and Prisoners of Freedom (staged 1982). In drama analysis of the 1980’s, Filipčič’s drama was normally placed in the context of Luddite literature. Modern literary theory, however, prefers to use the term ‘Luddite elements’ rather than ‘Luddite literature’ – these elements are conceived as one of the techniques of the Drama of the Absurd. Based on an analysis of the degree of their fragmentedness and their dramatic characters, language and humour, we identify elements of the absurd in Filipčič’s dramatic pieces and attempt to establish the way in which Filipčič’s drama is different from and similar to the established models of the Drama of the Absurd. In so doing it becomes clear that Filipčič is consistently concerned with the theme of parodying God, a theme that the author uses in all of his dramatic pieces. In presenting this motif the author adopts a unique technique in order to break with the model of the ‘absoluteness’ of drama according to Szondi, and in so doing he builds upon the typical model of the Drama of the Absurd.

Dragica Haramija: Mladinska dela Aksinje Kermauner. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2008. 69–83.
Aksinja Kermauner je v knjižnih izdajah doslej objavila deset del, namenjenih otrokom in mladostnikom. Njena dela se uvrščajo v naslednje književne vrste: večina avtoričinih besedil sodi v prozo, in sicer realistične kratke zgodbe, fantastične pripovedi, socialno-psihološki mladinski roman, klasično umetno pravljico in realistično pripoved; izdala je tudi dramsko besedilo (lutkovno igro) in informativno slikanico o slepoti in slabovidnosti. Tematsko se avtorica v svojih delih ukvarja predvsem s slepoto in slabovidnostjo oz. z odnosi med polnočutnimi ljudmi in ljudmi s posebnimi potrebami. V svoja dela vnaša elemente humorja, predvsem pa optimizem, za katerega se dozdeva, da je v sodobnosti nekako preživeta kategorija. Enako velja tudi za nenehno spominjanje na pomembnost prijateljstva, razumevanje med ljudmi (predvsem preseganje medgeneracijskih konfliktov) in skrb za okolje.
Dragica Haramija: Young-Adult Literature by Aksinja Kermauner. Jezik in slovstvo. 5/2008. 69–83.
To date, Aksinja Kermauner has published ten literary works in book form dedicated to children and young adults. Her works are classified in the following literary genres: most of her texts fall into the category of prose, namely realistic short stories, imaginary stories, social-psychological young-adult novel, classic fairy tale and realistic narrative; the author has also published the text for a play (a puppet show) and an informative picture book on blindness and impaired vision. The theme she is primarily concerned with is the relationships between people with unimpaired senses and those with special needs. The author introduces elements of humour into her work, and especially optimism, which in contemporary society seems to be somewhat anachronistic. The same is true of the continuous recalling of the importance of friendship, understanding among people (particularly overcoming generational conflicts), and environmental care.