
Številka 6/2003 ~ Issue 6/2003

Kozma Ahačič: Od naslovnikov knjig do rabe slovenščine v cerkvi: nekaj vprašanj slovenske zgodovinske sociolingvistike 16. stoletja. Jezik in slovstvo. 6/2003. 3–24.
Proučevanje razvoja slovenskega jezika v 16. stoletju z vidika zgodovinske sociolingvistike pred nas postavlja nekatere nove probleme. Članek skuša odgovoriti na vprašanje, kdo so bili pisci slovenskih protestantskih besedil in kdo so bili njihovi naslovniki. Ob tem nadrobneje razloži pomensko razliko med slovenskim izrazom preprost in nemškim izrazom gemein. Opozarja na pomembno vlogo poslušanja pri sprejemanju slovenskih protestantskih knjig. Na koncu pa poda tudi rekonstrukcijo rabe slovenskega jezika v cerkvi.
Kozma Ahačič: From Target Audience to the Use of the Slovene Language in Church: Some Questions Concerning the Slovene Historical Sociolinguistics of the 16th Century. Jezik in slovstvo. 6/2003. 3–24.
The study of the development of the Slovene language in the 16th century from the point of historical sociolinguistics has brought to light some new problems. The article aims to give an answer to who the writers of the Slovene Protestant texts were, and who their target audience. A notional difference between the Slovene expression preprost and the German gemain is also explained in greater detail. The article emphasises the important role of listening in the reception of Slovene Protestant books. At the end, it gives a reconstruction of the use of the Slovene language in church.

Aleš Pogačnik: Prevzemanje besed v slovenščini. Jezik in slovstvo. 6/2003. 25–48.
V slovenščini nimamo ustaljenih pravil za prevzemanje tujih besed. O prevzemanju tujih besed sicer govorijo pravopisna pravila, toda tako praksa pisne slovenščine kot pravila, ki so stara več kot 20 let, odkrivata številne nedoslednosti. Pričujoče besedilo, nastalo na osnovi večletnih izkušenj pri urejanju leksikografskih knjig, povzema protislovja, nepotrebno zapletenost in pomanjkljivost slovenskih pravopisnih pravil o prevzemanju besed, predvsem lastnih imen, ter ponudi alternativno vodilo.
Aleš Pogačnik: Borrowings in the Slovene Language. Jezik in slovstvo. 6/2003. 25–48.
The Slovene language does not have any fixed rules for borrowing foreign words. There are some orthographic rules concerning the borrowing of foreign words, but both the usage of written Slovene and the rules, which are over 20 years old, demonstrate numerous inconsistencies. This article, based on years of experience in the editing of lexicographic books, recapitulates the inconsistencies, unnecessary complications and deficiencies of the Slovene orthographic rules on borrowings, especially of personal names, and offers an alternative guideline.

Silvija Borovnik: Dramsko delo Daneta Zajca. Jezik in slovstvo. 6/2003. 49–60.
Prispevek se pregledno ukvarja z dramskim opusom Daneta Zajca, ki se je v slovensko literarno zgodovino zapisal ne le kot odličen pesnik, temveč tudi kot dramatik. Drame, ki jih je sam avtor skromno poimenoval "igre", namreč dopolnjujejo in odražajo njegov pesniški svet, zaznamovan z odtujenostjo in nasnut ob ideji, da je človek osamelec, obremenjen s preteklo ali polpreteklo zgodovino. Poezija v Zajčevi drami predstavlja samoumeven in izrazit umetniški del, z njo pa vstopajo v dramski prostor in čas tudi mitske, sanjske in druge vzporedne resničnosti, s katerimi avtor nakazuje razpoke v času, še bolj pa v zgodovinskem spominu, ki da spričo totalitarizmov v sodobnem svetu ne bi smel zbledeti.
Silvija Borovnik: The Playwriting of Dane Zajc. Jezik in slovstvo. 6/2003. 49–60.
The article is the survey of plays written by Dane Zajc, who has become part of Slovene literary history not only as an excellent poet, but also as a playwright. His dramatic pieces, referred to rather modestly by the author as “the plays”, complement and reflect his poetic world, marked by alienation and conceived with an idea that humans are solitary figures burdened by past or semi-past history. In Zajc’s dramatic work poetry signifies a self-evident and expressive artistic part, through which also the mythical, dream-like and other parallel realities step into the dramatic space and time, with which the author indicates the cracks of time, even more so in the historical memory, which should not fade in the face of totalitarisms of the modern world.

Blanka Bošnjak: Pisatelj Milan Pugelj kot pomemben člen v kratkoprozni ustvarjalnosti iz začetka 20. stoletja na Slovenskem (1. del). Jezik in slovstvo. 6/2003. 61–74.
Pisatelj Milan Pugelj (Kandija pri Novem mestu 3.1.1883 – Ljubljana 3.2.1929) si je pridobil priznan ugled in prijateljstvo številnih slovenskih, hrvatskih in srbskih ustvarjalcev, kot novelist pa je povezan tudi s širšim evropskim prostorom. Prvo desetletje svojega ustvarjanja je Milan Pugelj objavljal predvsem pesmi z motivi ljubezni, samote, hrepenenja, ki so nastajale deloma pod vplivom nove romantike na Slovenskem. Kratko pripovedno prozo je pričel gojiti okrog leta 1905, ko je pisal v glavnem lirske črtice in novele z romantičnim nabojem. Od preprostih snovi, zajetih z dolenjskega življenja, se je Pugelj polagoma približal realističnemu in tudi naturalističnemu pojmovanju življenja, tako da na določenih mestih zasledimo motivne, tematske, vsebinske in stilne vzporednice s podobnimi postopki v kratki pripovedni prozi Guya de Maupassanta in Antona Pavloviča Čehova.
Blanka Bošnjak: Milan Pugelj as an Important Link in the Writing of Novels at the Beginning of the 20th Century in Slovenia (part 1). Jezik in slovstvo. 6/2003. 61–74.
Milan Pugelj (Kandija near Novo mesto, 3 January 1883 – Ljubljana, 3 February 1929) gained recognition and friendship of many Slovene, Croatian and Serbian writers, even though he is as a novelist linked to a wider European area. In the first decade of his literary engagement Milan Pugelj published mainly poems dealing with love, loneliness and yearning, which were created partly under the influence of the new romanticism in Slovenia. His short-story writing began around 1905, when he wrote lyrical novellas and romantic short stories. From simple motifs from the Dolenjska region, Pugelj gradually moved to realistic, naturalistic understanding of life, so that in some places motif, thematic and stylistic parallels could be made with similar procedures in the short stories of Guy de Maupassant and Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

Marjan Dović: Literarni polisistem in mehanizmi medkulturnih stikov. Jezik in slovstvo. 6/2003. 75–86.
Polisistemsko teorijo izraelskega teoretika Itamarja Even-Zoharja je mogoče umestiti v kontekst sodobnih empiričnih in sistemskih obravnav literarnih in kulturnih fenomenov. Četudi ni doživela tolikšnega mednarodnega odmeva kot empirična literarna znanost Siegfrieda J. Schmidta, ponuja plodne nastavke za preučevanje celote, ki ji pravimo »literarno življenje« ali »literarni sistem«. To celoto skuša zapopasti s komunikacijsko shemo, ki ne vključuje le avtorja, dela in bralca, temveč tudi institucijo, trg in repertoar. Njeni prednosti sta predvsem analitika prevodne literature in dinamike medkulturnih stikov, kjer uvaja pojme interference in transfera, pa tudi preučevanje znotrajsistemskih procesov kanonizacije in dinamike center-obrobje. Na primeru odvisnega polisistema se izkaže, kako tak polisistem prek prevodov in drugih kontaktov sprejema še vse kaj drugega kot le konkretne literarne tekste. V razpravi so prikazani tudi nekateri dosežki polisistemskih raziskav literarnega repertoarja. Na koncu avtor skuša nakazati možne uporabe polisistemske teorije kot teoretično-metodološkega ogrodja za preučevanje slovenske književne zgodovine.
Marjan Dović: Literary Polysystems and the Mechanisms of Intercultural Relations. Jezik in slovstvo. 6/2003. 75–86.
The polysystem theory of the Israeli theorist Itamar Even-Zohar can be placed within the context of contemporary empirical and systemic treatments of literary and cultural phenomena. Although it has never received such international response as the empirical literary science of Siegfried J. Schmidt, it offers effective guidelines for the study of the whole, referred to as “literary life” or “literary system”. It attempts to grasp this whole with a communication scheme, which does not include only the author, the work and the reader, but also the institution, the market and the repertoire. Its advantages are the analytical nature of translated literature and the dynamics of intercultural relations, where he introduced the notions of interference and transfer, and also the study of the processes of canonisation within the system, and the dynamics of the central and peripheral position. I n the case of a dependent polysystem it is demonstrated that such a polysystem accepts a lot more through translations and other contacts than just concrete literary texts. The article presents some achievements of polysystemic research of literary repertoire. At the end, the author aims to present some possible guidelines for the application of the polysystem theory as a theoretical-methodological framework in the study of Slovene literary history.