
Številka 6/2006 ~ Issue 6/2006

Janez Strehovec: Novomedijsko besedilo. Jezik in slovstvo. 6/2006. 3–24.
Na pametnih zaslonskih napravah se srečujemo tudi z novomedijskimi besedili, ki niso nadaljevanje tiskane besedilnosti z drugimi sredstvi, ampak so oblikovana v novem jeziku, ki ga lahko ustrezno pojasnimo s temeljnimi pojmi teorije novih medijev. V tej razpravi obravnavamo posebnosti novomedijske besedilnosti in hibridnih, na besedilu temelječih umetniških in literarnih projektov predvsem kot izziv za bralce-uporabnike, ki stopajo preko navigacijskih naprav in vmesnikov v intimen odnos s takšnimi besedili, pišejo vanje in se sami premeščajo na mesto producentov takšne besedilnosti (recimo pri spletnih dnevnikih in vikipediji). Novomedijska besedilnost je izziv tudi za različne veje jezikoslovja (še posebno za sociolingvistiko) in teorijo digitalnih literatur, vendar pa je potrebno za osvetlitev usode verbalnega v času novih medijev nujno upoštevati tudi pristope tehnokulturnih in internetskih študjev ter filozofije novih medijev in tehnologij, zato ta razprava posega po metodološkem aparatu različnih teoretskih disciplin in pogosto prečka področja njihovih analiz.
Janez Strehovec: New Media Texts. Jezik in slovstvo. 6/2006. 3–24.
New media texts encountered on smart displays are not a continuation of printed textuality with a different means, but are formed in a new language which can be adequately explained using the basic concepts of new media theory. The present article examines the special features pertaining to new media textuality and hybrid artistic and literary projects which are based on text, primarily as a challenge to the readers-users entering through the navigational devices and interfaces into an intimate relationship with these texts, writing into them, and by so doing becoming the producers of such textuality themselves (as in the case of web blogs and Wikipedia). New media textuality also proves a challenge to various fields of linguistics (in particular socio-linguistics) and the theory of digital literatures. Nevertheless, what needs to be taken into account in order to expound the destiny of that which is verbal at the time of the new media, are the approaches applied in the studies of techno culture and the internet, and the philosophy of new media and technologies. This is why the present article makes use of the methodological apparatus applied in various theoretical disciplines, and frequently crosses the areas of their analyses.

Alojzija Zupan Sosič: Pimlico in Neznosna lahkost bivanja kot maturitetna romana. Jezik in slovstvo. 6/2006. 25–45.
Pimlico Milana Dekleve in Neznosna lahkost bivanja Milana Kundere sta sodobna evropska romana, ki se jima uspešno približamo le s sodobno interpretacijo. Ta vključuje raziskavo pripovednih postopkov (esejizacije, lirizacije in razdalje do pripovedi) ter analizo literarne osebe in kronotopa. V prid šolski interpretaciji sodobnih romanov je tudi primerjalna metoda, ki olajša razumevanje večplastnosti letošnjih maturitetnih romanov.
Alojzija Zupan Sosič: Pimlico and The Unbearable Lightness of Being as the Matura Exam Novels. Jezik in slovstvo. 6/2006. 25–45.
Pimlico by Milan Dekleva and The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera are modern European novels which can be successfully understood only through modern interpretation. Such interpretation includes research of narrative procedures (as applied in essays and in lyrics, and a distance to the narrative) and the analysis of the literary persona and chronotope. Also speaking in favour of school interpretation of modern novels is the comparative method, which makes the multi-layered nature of the novels treated at Matura exams this year easier to understand.

Petra Kodre: Južnoslovansko kulturno zbliževanje v berilih za osmo leto šolanja po razpadu Avstro-Ogrske. Jezik in slovstvo. 6/2006. 47–54.
Članek prikazuje kulturno zbliževanje in južnoslovanski vpliv na slovenska berila v 20. stoletju. Prikaz temelji na motivnotematski analizi besedil, narodnostni analizi avtorjev besedil ter analizi tujejezičnih neprevedenih besedil. Ugotovimo, da je bil vzgojni smoter šole v Jugoslaviji opredeljen etatistično, nadnacionalno, vzgoja pa je spodbujala socialistični patriotizem in poveličevala jugoslovansko državo. V članku beremo, da sta na vzgojo za krepitev zavesti o narodni pripadnosti vplivala politična centralizacija iz Beograda in politika unitarizma ter kako je k domovinoljubju z idejo bratstva in enotnosti prispeval socialistični patriotizem v Jugoslaviji. Na tej osnovi pridemo do ugotovitve o hegemoniji hrvaškega in srbskega naroda ter njunega političnega vpliva. Prispevek prinaša tudi pogled v prihodnost, ki temelji na zavesti, da evropsko združevanje prinaša internacionalnost, v kateri je vzgoja za razvoj narodne zavesti majhnih narodov še bolj potrebna.
Petra Kodre: Southern-Slavonic Cultural Reconciliation in the Reading Books for Year Eight after the Disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Jezik in slovstvo. 6/2006. 47–54.
The article deals with cultural reconciliation and a Southern-Slavonic influence on Slovene Reading Books in the 20th century. It is based on the text analysis of motifs and topics, the analysis of the authors’ nationality, and the analysis of non-translated texts in foreign languages. The article reveals that the educational purpose of school in former Yugoslavia was defined as that of statism and of the supranational, while education encouraged Socialist patriotism and glorified the former Yugoslav state. The article claims that it was the political centralisation from Belgrade and the Unitarian politics which influenced education consolidating awareness about national belonging, showing how Socialist patriotism in Yugoslavia contributed to patriotism with its idea of brotherhood and unity. Based on this, the hegemony of the Croatian and Serbian nations, and their political influence can be ascertained. In addition, the article brings an insight into the future, which is based on the awareness that European integration has resulted in internationality, where education aimed at raising national awareness of small nations is even more imperative.

Špela Šramel: Literarno dogajanje na Slovaškem v šestdesetih letih. Jezik in slovstvo. 6/2006. 55–65.
Šestdeseta leta dvajsetega stoletja pomenijo v slovaški književnosti začasno otoplitev in velik ustvarjalni dosežek mladih avtorjev. Preseganje shematičnega modela socialističnega realizma v smeri tematske in izrazne diferenciacije pogojujejo, omogočajo in hkrati zavirajo družbeno-politične spremembe, kar govori o vpetosti literature v družbeni kontekst. V prispevku raziskujemo vlogo književnih revij in literarne kritike v tem obdobju ter jo primerjamo s slovenskim prostorom. Posebej obravnavamo prozni prvenec Jána Johanidesa Zasebnost, v katerem avtor uresničuje temeljne pobude modernizma in eksistencializma ter inovativno uporablja pripovedne tehnike, značilne za novi francoski roman. V zaključku se sprašujemo o podobi literature šestdesetih let danes.
Špela Šramel: The Literary Situation in Slovakia in the ‘Sixties of the Twentieth Century. Jezik in slovstvo. 6/2006. 55–65.
The ‘sixties of the twentieth century in Slovak literature signify a temporary warming and a great creative achievement of young writers. Surpassing the schematic model of Socialist realism in the direction of thematic and expressive differentiation conditions, enables and, at the same time, hinders social and political changes, which testifies to the integration of literature in the social context. The article analyses the role played by literary journals and literary reviews during this period, and makes a comparison with the situation in Slovenia. A special treatment of the first prose work by Ján Johanides Zasebnost (Privacy in English) is made in which the author applies basic initiatives of modernism and existentialism, making innovative use of the narrative technique typical of the new French novel. In conclusion, the present image of literature from the ‘sixties of the twentieth century is examined.

Jadranka Cergol: Percepcija klasičnih grško-rimskih filozofskih kategorij v delih slovenskega pisatelja Alojza Rebule. Jezik in slovstvo. 6/2006. 67–79.
V razpravi je predstavljen vpliv, ki ga je klasično grško-rimska kultura imela na literarno ustvarjanje slovenskega pisatelja Alojza Rebule. Pri branju njegovih del je namreč zaslediti veliko reminiscenc in percepcij iz klasične literature ter njegovo občudovanje do antičnih avtorjev. Prispevek želi dokazati, kako so nekatere klasične grško-rimske filozofske kategorije (kalokagathia, verum-bonum-pulchrum, anthropeia, etos) vplivale na oblikovanje Rebulovega miselnega sveta in kako jih slovenski pisatelj zoperstavlja današnjemu občutku Absurda in Niča. Poleg tega pa Rebula dobi v idealni sintezi Mere in Misterija tisto najvišje vodilo in sintezo grške miselnosti.
Jadranka Cergol: Perception of Classical Greek and Roman Philosophical Categories in the Works by Slovene Writer Alojz Rebula. Jezik in slovstvo. 6/2006. 67–79.
The article discusses the influence of classical Greek and Roman culture on the literary works of Slovene writer Alojz Rebula. When reading his works, many reminiscences and perceptions from classical literature come to the fore, and his admiration for the writers from the Antiquity can be felt. The article aims to prove how some classical Greek and Roman philosophical categories (kalokagathia, verum-bonum-pulchrum, anthropeia, etos) have influenced the formation of Rebula’s mental world, and how the writer juxtaposes them to the present feeling of the Absurd and Nothing. In addition, Rebula in the ideal synthesis of Measure and Mystery achieves that greatest direction and synthesis of the Greek mode of thinking.